艺术片 十字交锋 第1集


克里斯·门杰斯 歌蒂·韩艾利斯·霍华德詹姆斯·盖蒙DavidArnott基思·卡拉丹J·C·奎因史蒂夫·布西密凯瑟琳·德普鲁姆NadaDespotovich迪尔德丽·奥康奈尔安娜·莱文尼尔·吉恩托利 艺术片 美国 1992 查看整部剧情
别名:CrissCross (1992) 一个12岁的成长在西屿与他的母亲,谁是在当地无上装酒吧剥离支付账单。男孩发现关于她的活动,并试图说服她停下来,也没有用。当地餐馆老板雇用他从船上收集捞出在海湾,男孩发现该餐馆老板正在使用的鱼,使-物在岸边。他偷了一个负载,去兜shou它,他的母亲都不能辞掉了工作。      1969 年阿波罗 11 号登月前后,离婚的妈妈特蕾西·克罗斯在基韦斯特抚养了她 12 岁的儿子克里斯托弗。作为一名女服务员,她成为了一名脱衣舞娘来养活自己和克里斯。这部电影包括一个场景,十四岁的演员大卫·阿诺特(David Arnott)裸体出现(虽然是从后面拍摄的)。   克里斯还在兼职工作以帮助支付账单。当他得知母亲的新工作时,他很沮丧。男孩的工作之一是将鱼运送到当地的海鲜餐厅,但事实证明,经营这家餐厅的人参与了一个毒品走私团伙,毒品藏在鱼里。克里斯偷了一些毒品并试图卖掉它们以赚取足够的钱,这样他的母亲就可以辞掉她的舞蹈工作。   一个陌生人乔来到镇上并与特蕾西建立了关系。这进一步让她的儿子感到不安,他寻找他的父亲约翰·克罗斯(John Cross),他是一名退伍军人,因越南经历而深受困扰,现在他是修道院的一名园丁。   乔原来是一名执法卧底特工,致力于打倒贩毒集团。随着逮捕行动的临近,他与特蕾西和她儿子的关系使事情变得复杂起来。   Divorced mom Tracy Cross raises her 12-year-old son, Christopher, in Key West in 1969 around the time of the Apollo 11 moon landing. A waitress, she becomes a stripper to support herself and Chris.The film includes a scene where fourteen-year-old actor David Arnott appears nude (though shot from behind).   Chris is also working at part-time jobs to help pay the bills. He is upset when he finds out about his mother's new job. One of the boy's jobs is to deliver fish to a local seafood restaurant, but it turns out the man who runs the restaurant is involved in a drug-smuggling ring in which the drugs are hidden inside fish. Chris steals some of the drugs and tries to sell them to earn enough money so that his mother can quit her dancing job.   A stranger, Joe, comes to town and strikes up a relationship with Tracy. This further disturbs her son, who seeks out his father, John Cross, a military veteran so troubled from his Vietnam experiences that he is now a gardener in a monastery.   Joe turns out to be a law-enforcement undercover agent, working to bring down the drug ring. His relationship with Tracy and her son complicates matters as the time comes to make the arrest.