艺术片 火焰中的女人 第1集


罗伯特·冯·阿克伦 古德伦·朗德格里比马修·加里瑞 艺术片 西德 1983 查看整部剧情
EVA,象征了一切女性主义的胜利,自我觉醒,自我实现,并且无视世俗的审判。她从始至终都是美丽的女人,但比起开初的美丽而束缚的上流家庭主妇而言,作为一个愤而出走的SM的妓女的她更为美丽,而最后她和好友被赶出酒吧却一起坐在街上开怀大笑,我才发现她是这个世界上最美丽的女人。因为比起身体在x愛上和窥视上的自由,精神超脱......     Eva, an upper-class housewife, frustratedly leaves her arrogant husband and decides to enter the call girl business. She lets Yvonne, a prostitute, teach her the basics and both set out for prey together, until Eva starts an affair with Chris, who turns out to be a call boy, as well. Consequently, she moves into his penthouse, large enough for both to offer their services separately