艺术片 飞瀑情仇 第1集


乔纳森·戴米 罗伊·谢德珍妮特·玛戈林约翰·格洛弗山姆莱文查尔斯·纳佩尔克里斯托弗·沃肯 艺术片 美国 1979 查看整部剧情
当他的妻子被杀害,在餐厅拍摄,智能人哈里汉南区的击穿,并认为,他的部门不希望他回来。有人试图杀了他,也可能是他们一个神秘的犹太死亡威胁,虽然还有别的事情。似乎是他唯一的盟友像老鼠埃利费边谁设法进入他的纽约公寓。撰稿    When his wife is killed in a restaurant shoot-out, intelligence man Harry Hannan (Roy Scheider) has a breakdown and finds that his department doesn't want him back. Someone's trying to kill him and it could be them, though a cryptic Jewish death-threat suggests there's something else going on. His only ally seems to be mousy Ellie Fabian (Janet Margolin) who has managed to move into his New York apartment.