电影 最后的追捕 第1集


克里斯蒂安·卡玛戈 MartinSensmeierMaineiKinimakaZahnMcClarnon杰森·莫玛艾米·西米茨坦图·卡丁诺CharlieBrumbly 电影 美国 2022 查看整部剧情
In 1909, amidst the dying old west, Willie Boy, a long distance Desert Runner by Chemehuevi tradition, falls in love with young native beauty, Carlota. Carlota's father, a Chemehuevi shaman and local tribal leader, refuses to let the young couple be together. In a fatal confrontation, Carlota's father falls dead to an accidental gun shot and the young lovers flee to the sun ens...