电影 最高危机 第1集


斯图尔特·贝尔德 库尔特·拉塞尔史蒂文·席格哈莉·贝瑞约翰·雷吉扎莫奥利弗·普莱特乔·莫顿大卫·苏切黄荣亮兰·卡琉维普哈布莱安德烈亚斯·卡楚拉斯玛丽·艾伦·特雷纳玛拉·马普勒斯J·T·沃尔什因格·内哈斯 电影 美国 1996 查看整部剧情
一群恐怖分子劫持了一架波音747客机,将机上的四百多人扣作人质,要求释放他们被捕的首领,然而,根据情报官格兰特的判断,他们的真正目的是想在美国首都华盛顿引爆杀伤力极大的神经毒气弹。为了阻止这一阴谋,解救机上的人质,特别行动小组采取了极为冒险的行动计划,准备在空中登上波音客机,制止恐怖分子的行动,完成解救人质的任务。行动小组登上了客机,但计划的开头就进行得极不顺利。行动组长遇难,小组陷入了群龙无首的境地,而且糟糕的是,炸弹专家中尉也受了重伤,无法行动。毫无实战经验的格兰特只有临危受命,担负起了指挥的任务。行动队员们小心翼翼地进行着侦察工作。他们一面要准备用武力来消灭恐怖分子,另一方面,又要制止炸弹的爆炸,在美丽勇敢的空中小姐珍的帮助下,格兰特等人惊险万分地完成了侦察工作。而折除炸弹这一重大的任务就只有交给重伤不能行动的中尉和有些神经质的工程师凯奥来完成了。但更为麻烦的是,行动小组还要对付一位隐藏在乘客中间的炸弹引爆员,而且,更要设法制止军方将要对飞机发起的毁灭性攻击。 Some Arabs hijack an airliner and demand the release of their leader who is in American custody. They also intend to land in Washington for refueling. At the Pentagon, everyone there advises the National Security Advisor that they should let the plane land and then let the counter terrorist team of Colonel Austin Travis take them out. However, David Grant, an intelligence expert believes that this whole thing is a smokescreen. Grant believes that the Arab leader was abducted and brought to the Americans by his second in command, who is a fanatic. Also, that he has in his possession a biological weapon that could wipe out Washington and that it's on the plane. Now they have only two choices let them land and hope Grant is wrong or shoot the plane down along with every one on board. Colonel Travis suggests that they use a new plane that the military uses to transport men from it onto another aircraft while in flight. With no other option Travis is given the go ahead. Travis asks that Grant accompany him so that he can give them whatever info he can provide. However, it appears that Travis has another reason for bringing Grant along. It seems that awhile back they were sent on a mission to retrieve the biological weapon, but, in the end found that the weapon not there - one of Travis' men was also killed. It was Grant's Intel that sent them there. Now the aircraft link-up seems to be going well until the plane starts to break and fall apart. Half of the team including Travis doesn't make it. The ones that do (including Grant), and the man who built the plane they were on, have to carry out the mission. Unfortunately, some important equipment (communication link, knock out gas) didn't make it, so they have to do it the hard way. At the same time, the Pentagon, unsure if the men made it, have to again decide whether to let them land or shoot the plane down.