电影 蒸发密令 第1集


查克·拉塞尔 阿诺·施瓦辛格詹姆斯·肯恩凡妮莎·威廉斯詹姆斯·柯本罗伯特·帕斯托莱利詹姆斯·克伦威尔丹尼·努齐AndyRomano尼克·齐兰德迈克尔·帕帕约翰乔·维特雷利马克·罗斯顿约翰·斯拉特里RobertMiranda罗马·玛菲娅托尼·隆哥格里·贝克尔JohnSnyder梅洛拉·沃尔特斯奥莱克·克鲁帕西尔克·科扎特K·托德·弗里曼罗科·西斯托GeraldBerns斯蒂芬·福特伊斯梅尔·伊斯特·卡尔罗TommyJ.HuffRickBatalla迈克 电影 美国 1996 查看整部剧情
艾伦(范妮莎•L•威廉姆斯 Vanessa Williams 饰)是美国最大武器武器制造公司西历公司的高级职员,她慢慢发现了这加公司的一些黑幕――该公司生产了一种明令禁止的武器并在黑市交易。FBI利用艾伦获得了一些证据,艾伦成了本案的关键证人。鉴于这间公司的势力,证人保护中心派出了法警约翰(阿诺•施瓦辛格 Arnold Schwarzenegger 饰)前往保护艾伦。 当约翰赶到艾伦家时,杀手正在谋杀艾伦。约翰救出了惊魂未定的艾伦,并告诉了她现在情况。安顿好艾伦后,约翰前往酒吧和同伴罗伯特(詹姆斯•凯恩 James Caan 饰)见面,罗伯特告诉约翰因为保护证人的计划泄漏,要重新安排,并要求约翰一起行动。向来都是独立完成任务的约翰起了疑心,他慢慢开始觉得这件事背后的势力并不简单。 During the opening credits, a man (later identified as John Kruger) (Arnold Schwarzenegger) gets dressed in ninja clothing, and then loads his gun. There are scattered images of Social Security papers, a passport, a birth certificate, etc. The man burns the means of ID; one of the pictures burning is of a woman (later identified as Lee Cullen) (Vanessa Williams). John is a U.S. Marshal for the Witness Protection Program (Witness Security Program, or WitSec). Nighttime: A mobster is punching a man (later identified as Johnny Casteleone) (Robert Pastorelli), gagged with duct tape in a chair. The mobster tells him, "You can't hide, Johnny. Nobody hides from us." His accomplice is pouring gasoline on Johnny's wife on the floor, also gagged. Another hoodlum sees the front door drift open. When he goes outside to check it out, a garrote grabs him by the neck and pulls him up. Back in the house, the thug is telling Johnny that Mr. Cannelli wants a "souvenir." He brandishes a knife, removes the tape from Johnny's mouth, and slams him onto the floor, holding his mouth open, while another thug pulls out some pliers. The first thug tells the man that he'll forward his tongue to witness protection. One of thugs gets some food from the fridge. When he turns around, he sees John Kruger in ninja gear. He tries to shoot, but John kicks him, and then slams the freezer door on his neck, killing him. The first thug calls for the two dead guys with no response. John enters the living room, and shoots and kills two of the thugs. He finally kicks the first one, knocking him through the glass of a coffee table, then chokes him and breaks his neck, killing him. John removes his mask and tells Johnny to shut up when he tries to talk. He pours red liquid on Johnny and his wife, then tells them not to move, that they're "dead", while he takes photos of them. He tells them he needs their clothes, rings, watches, and all IDs. He frees them, and has Johnny help take two corpses in morgue body bags from his station wagon to the house. When he opens the body bags in the house, the corpses are dead ringers for Johnny and his wife. He tells them to put the clothes on the corpses. John drags two of the dead thugs to the front yard and puts the Polaroid photos in one of the thug's coat pockets. He shoots one thug and puts the gun in the hand of the other thug. He calls 911 on his cell phone, telling them that there's been a murder at Johnny's address. When Johnny comes outside John tells him that he's staging it to appear that they killed him then turned on each other. Inside the house, John pours some more gasoline on the floor and hears sirens. He tells Johnny not to worry because they need an audience. He lights a flare and tosses it onto the floor next to the corpses from the morgue, then carries the other two dead thugs in the body bags to his station wagon. They drive away as the house explodes in flames, just before the police arrive. John tells Johnny that he endangered himself and the lives of U.S. Marshals assigned to protect him when he went to a restaurant at his old neighborhood. He tells Johnny that next time he'll be dead, because a rescue like this one only happens once. They stop by a lake and get out. John rigs the gas pedal, sending the car into the lake, where it sinks. He takes them to an SUV where government agents are waiting to take them away. He tells them he'll never see them again, but he'll know every move they make, that if they skip out on their testimony he'll deliver them to the Cannelli family himself. John walks away, and Johnny shouts to him that John can ask anything of him in the future. As Johnny and his wife get in, an agent tells them, "Smile, you've just been erased." The next day, John goes to the offices of the United States Marshal Witness Security Protection Program. A coworker tells him to look at some driver's licenses; one is from their shop and the other two are real. John runs his fingers over them and correctly chooses the fake. John logs into the computer and creates new IDs for Johnny Casteleone and his wife. His coworker and mentor Robert Deguerin (James Caan) congratulates John then asks him about last night. John tells him that a couple of witnesses got careless and he had to diffuse the situation. Robert tells him that improvisation is the old days, because congress is on their backs. As John leaves to talk to WitSec Chief Beller, Robert tells him that he's the best.