电影 缘份有TAKE2 第2集


麦子善 陈法蓉张家辉朱茵刘恺威 电影 香港 2000 查看整部剧情
N神(张家辉 饰)心仪公司同事刘爱玛(朱茵 饰)许久,无奈爱玛已经有了身为公司副总裁的男友雷欧(刘恺威 饰),伤心的N神只能默默的守护在爱玛的身边。一天,N神和艾玛同乘一辆公交车前往公司,无意中,从N神口袋里掉出来的硬币被爱玛拾起。之后,从广播里,N神得知捡到钱等同于捡到了霉运,遂在公司向爱玛讨回硬币,却被后者拒绝。 果不其然,霉运接二连三的找到了爱玛,公司裁员、雷欧出轨、爱犬去世、失足坠海,接二连三的意外让爱玛措手不及,尽管N神屡屡出手相救,但却遭到了爱玛的误解,两人之间的误会渐渐加深。为了帮助爱玛,N神向风水大师讨得逢凶化吉的秘籍,就这样,爱玛获得了“重活三天”的机会。 When Emma picks up a one-dollar coin on the bus, she thinks it will bring her luck: She has a great job, and her boyfriend has just been promoted. In fact she loses her job, loses her man, loses her shares, and her dog dies. Finding herself in hospital after somehow ending up in the harbour, she discovers that it was actually a bad luck coin dropped by network supervisor Anson who has been in love with her for a long time. He leaves her a note explaining how she can make a wish come true if she peels an apple before midnight strikes. She follows the instructions, wishing herself back in time by three days. But although she carefully avoids the coin, it has stuck to the bottom of her shoe...