电影 新年前夜2011 第1集


盖瑞·马歇尔 阿什顿·库彻罗伯特·德尼罗凯瑟琳·海格尔乔什·杜哈明扎克·埃夫隆阿比盖尔·布雷斯林杰西卡·贝尔索菲娅·维加拉丽亚·米雪儿米歇尔·菲佛希拉里·斯万克莎拉·杰茜卡·帕克哈莉·贝瑞萨拉·帕克斯顿乔恩·邦·乔维瑞安·西克莱斯特塞斯·梅耶斯拉塞尔·皮特斯 电影 美国 2011 查看整部剧情
随着璀璨的太阳落下,新年前夜的幕布缓缓铺开,在这本该充满着希望与温馨的一夜里,却仍有一群人各自身陷烦恼。时代广场表演秀主持人摩根(希拉里·斯万克 Hilary Swank 饰)正在紧张地做最后排演;朵伊(莎拉·杰茜卡·帕克 Sarah Jessica Parker 饰)正在与非要和男友过除夕的女儿海莉(阿比盖尔·布蕾斯琳 Abigail Breslin 饰)闹别扭;漫画家兰迪(阿什顿·库彻 Ashton Kutcher 饰)还沉浸在被前女友甩了的懊恼中,除夕只会让他更烦躁;而可怜的哈里斯(罗伯特·德尼罗 Robert De Niro 饰)已经到了癌症晚期,只希望看最后一次时代广场的新年落球仪式…… 他们和众多被生活困扰的纽约人一样,在自己的小位置上忙碌,却来不及睁开眼睛看看,新年的恩泽已悄悄降临…… The film opens with a shot of a horse-drawn carriage, then a montage of other New York City locations at Christmas time. We hear Jessica Biels voice saying, Some people swear theres no beauty left in the world, no magic. Then how do you explain the whole world coming together to celebrate the hope of a new year? Cut to Ryan Seacrest beginning his hosting duties in Times Square. Crowds are already gathering for the New Years Eve celebration. Claire Morgan (Hilary Swank) gets out of a taxi and rushes over to a group of reporters to be interviewed. Shes the new Vice President of the Times Square Alliance. Nearby, Ingrid (Michelle Pfeiffer) gets off a bus, looking at a piece of paper she is holding. She almost gets hit by a taxicab and falls into a pile of garbage bags. Paul (Zac Efron) zooms past Ingrid on his scooter, which he parks outside Ahern Records Inc. He enters the recording studio headquarters, flirting with every girl he passes on the way. Meanwhile, Tess Byrne and her husband Griffin (Jessica Biel and Seth Meyers) are introduced. Tess is nine months pregnant and is waiting in the waiting room of the hospital. She and her husband overhear another couple, Grace and James Schwab (Sarah Paulson and Til Schweiger), discussing how they need to have their baby as close to midnight as possible so they can win the $25,000 the hospital is offering to the first baby born in the new year. Griffin tells Tess that if they have their baby first, they could use the money to pay off his student loans. Meanwhile, Randy (Ashton Kutcher) is waking up to the phone ringing in his extremely messy apartment. His roommate, Paul, is calling to ask what Randy wants to do for New Years Eve. As they talk, Randy wanders out into the hall, which is heavily decorated for New Years. He tells Paul that he hates New Years Eve and starts tearing down the decorations. Meanwhile, there is a couple getting married in a tiny, empty church. The only guest present is Sam (Josh Duhamel). The couple teases him that he is the last of their friends still single, but they are sure hell meet a great girl soon. The bride asks him about the girl he met last New Years Eve. Sam says that was a year ago. Everyone has moved on since then. His phone rings and he hurries off its his work calling, and he has a big speech to make that night. Cut to Laura (Katherine Heigel). She's a chef, and she is preparing to cater the biggest A-list party of her career, the Ahern Records Masquerade Ball. She needs her sous chef Ava (Sofia Vergara). Ava finally arrives, and she's extremely excited because she just saw the tour bus for the famous singer Jensen who will be performing at the party. The street is lined with Jensen fans holding signs. Inside the tour bus, Jensen (Jon Bon Jovi) is practicing guitar. Laura heads into the kitchen to instruct the rest of the staff. Ava calls her on her cellphone to update Laura on the status of Jensens tour bus. Laura says, "Well, if you see Jensen, tell him to avoid the blond in the kitchen with the really big knife". Ava says, "Do you know him?" Just then, Jensen walks into the kitchen and says, "Hi Laura". Laura slaps him across the face. Back to Paul, who is bringing a delivery to Ingrid, who is a secretary at Ahern Records. He notices her working on a list, and asks if its her New Years resolutions. Ingrid thinks hes being nosy, and he mentions that he has been delivering her packages for over a year, and shes never looked him in the eye before. She opens the package, which is full of tickets to the Mask Ball. Paul is desperate for a ticket, but Ingrid pulls them away. In a nearby food court, three teenage girls are watching three teenage boys. One of the boys, Seth (Jake T. Austin), asks Hailey (Abigail Breslin), if shell meet him in Times Square that night. She agrees. Her girl friends giggle and say hes going to kiss Hailey at midnight for sure. But will her mom let her go to Times Square?