电影 相爱相杀两姐妹 第1集


丽莎艾斯盛 VilleVirtanenIaLanghammerPeshangRad 电影 瑞典 2023 查看整部剧情
处于孕晚期的莎拉突然孑然一身。她关系疏远的姐姐琳达的到来成为了她意想不到的生命线。 Sara lives in a perfect nuclear family with Daniél, their little son, Eliot and soon a second child on its way. But their life is to be turned upside down and the heavily pregnant Sara is suddenly left alone. The help soon appears from a completely unexpected side when Sara's estranged older sister, Linda, a helpless immature adult with a big erratic dog offers to move in and help out.