电影 我心遗忘的节奏 第1集


雅克·欧迪亚 罗曼·杜里斯艾曼纽·德芙奥雷·阿蒂卡尼尔斯·阿贺斯图普乔纳森·扎凯范林丹安东·雅科夫列夫梅拉尼·罗兰艾玛努艾尔·芬奇艾玛努艾尔·芬奇EmmanuelFinkiel 电影 法国 2005 查看整部剧情
汤姆(罗曼·杜里斯 Romain Duris 饰)继承了父亲的地下的房地产事业,为了驱赶钉子户,他想出了各种变态的点子:放老鼠闹鼠灾、断水断电赶人、用球棒捣毁房屋设备,打伤毫不相干的人……,同时他还需要出面帮助父亲摆平各种麻烦。当他耍这些流氓手段时,心中丝毫没有怜悯。一个晚上,汤姆突然发现生活还有另外一种方向。他偶遇了去世的钢琴家母亲的经纪人,这让他想起了小时候练习钢琴的美丽时光,那是一段被现实毁掉的美好。汤姆想起优雅的母亲,试图重新拾回心中遗忘的节奏。他遇到一位教钢琴的华人女孩,虽然彼此语言不通,他还是跟她学起了钢琴。音乐让他们之间的交流越来越顺畅。汤姆沉迷练琴而耽误了房地产的工作,父亲与朋友对他越来越不满意。是跟随心中的节奏继续前行,还是被父亲的枷锁捆绑永远生活在暗无天日中,汤姆能做出自己的选择吗? 本片获得2005柏林影展最佳配乐。 A young man is torn between loyalty for his family and the angst-driven need to express his own emotional core in order to redeem himself from a violent lifestyle. Tom (Romain Duris) has innate musical talent and his aggressive piano technique is matched by violent reactionary impulses. It is this violent side that enables Tom to succeed at his survival job as a real estate collection agent. Tom has a natural love for music, constantly listening to interesting music with his headphones and rhythmically tapping his fingers to what he is hearing. By chance he meets a music promoter who he knows from when his mother was a touring pianist, and as it turns out Tom has an advanced training as a classical pianist, and seeks a career change through the management of the promoter. The promoter tells Tom to schedule an audition with him, so Tom starts taking music lessons from Miao-Lin (Linh Dan Pham), a relationship in which she is able to assist Tom in channeling his aggression through his music. Tom's father, Robert (Niels Arestrup), enlists Tom as one of his cronies as well as assisting Sami (Gilles Cohen) and Fabrice (Jonathan Zaccai), as they negotiate shady real estate deals, an activity that depletes Tom's energy and attentions as he strives to release his expressive music talents. Tom's interior conflict grows when he begins an affair with Aline (Aure Atika), Fabrice's wife, who has discovered that Tom covers for her husband when he meets other women for drug-fueled sex. Tom is also pulled into a conflict between his father and a Russian gangster, Minskov (Anton Yakovlev) the consequences of which stay with Tom years after he has forged a new alliance to change his life for the better. 获奖情况 第55届柏林国际电影节  (2005) 金熊奖 最佳影片(提名) 雅克·欧迪亚 银熊奖 最佳电影配乐 亚历山大·德斯普拉 第59届英国电影学院奖  (2006) 电影奖 最佳非英语片 Pascal Caucheteux / 雅克·欧迪亚