电影 苔藓 第1集


康佑硕 郑在咏朴海日柳善许峻豪刘俊相金相浩柳海真 电影 韩国 2010 查看整部剧情
1978年,自感在越战中犯下杀孽的刘木刑返回韩国后信仰天主,为洗清罪孽,刘潜心修行并组织村民集资买地以供传道之用。刑警千永德(郑在泳 饰)怀疑刘木刑实为骗子,对后者进行迫害,不久却被刘感动,两人一起带上几名罪犯,远赴荒僻之地以求救赎。 25年后,千、刘等人定居之地已经发展成一井井有条的村落。刘木刑身死,刘之子刘海国(朴海日 饰)从首尔奔丧,但村中众人貌似并不欢迎刘海国,时时期待他离开。刘海国心中生疑,主张对父亲进行尸检,同时他发现原本属于父亲名下的土地和钱财已被转入千永德名下。刘海国求助检察官朴民旭协助调查,同时村中女子英智在暗中观察刘海国,村中的一些阴暗往事,在刘海国的调查下渐渐浮出水面…… While sick and tired of living in the city, Hae-guk (PARK Hae-il) hears that his father, YOO Mok-hyung (HUH Jun-ho), whom he hadn't spoken to for over 20 years, had passed away. But when he goes to the village where his father had lived, the village folks strangely keep their guards up and seem quite uncomfortable around him. Hae-guk is invited to dinner by some village folks after his father's funeral. It seems the people are set on rushing him out of their village. Regardless, Hae-guk announces he won't be leaving for Seoul, but stay in the village. The people exchange mysterious looks. Then, the Chief (JUNG Jae-young) accepts and tells Hae-guk to settle down in the village. On Chief CHUN Yong-duk's orders, the village people suddenly start acting differently around Hae-guk. The Chief looks like a normal elderly man at a glance, but he is frighteningly charismatic, seems all knowing, and the village people appear to be following him like a god. Meanwhile, Hae-guk gets all the more suspicious of everyone in the village...