电影 酿魂 第1集


岑嘉彦 姜大卫卢瀚霆朱栢康陈紫萱吴肇轩林耀声袁澧林 电影 香港 2023 查看整部剧情
悬疑片《酿魂》发布首条预告,电影由姜大卫、卢瀚霆、朱栢康、陈紫萱、吴肇轩、林耀声、袁澧林主演,预计年内上映。 Finn (Anson Lo) goes on an island adventure with his friends to get over a haunting tragedy. This journey into wilderness goes horribly awry -- they begin to suffer from frightening dreams and come upon strange artefacts on this strange island. They encounter an old man (David Chiang) living seemingly by himself in a desolate village. It's not long before they realise that an ancient devil exists and stalks them at every turn. What awaits them are things they would never expect out of this supposedly serene trip.