电影 猫的葬礼 第1集


李仲勋 强仁朴世荣郑糠云 电影 韩国 2015 查看整部剧情
东勋(强仁 饰)性格内向沉默寡言,再熙(朴世荣 饰)个性大大咧咧,活泼开朗。这样一对性格截然相反的男女,邂逅在两人共同的朋友所举办的婚宴之中,仿佛吸铁石的两极,彼此相互吸引的他们很快就坠入了爱河,开始了甜蜜的同居生活。他们领养了一只可爱的小猫,取名小云朵,这只乖巧可爱的小猫替他们的感情生活增添了一抹亮丽的色彩。 然而,东勋和再熙之间梦幻般的爱情始终敌不过现实,最终他们选择了分道扬镳。然而,两人怎么也没有想到的是,使他们再次见面的缘由,竟然是举办小云朵的葬礼。因为这葬礼,东勋和再熙要独处整整两天一夜,在这两天一夜里,会发生怎样的故事呢? Dong-Hoon and Jae-Hee are ex-lovers. When they were together, they raised a cat named Gooreumi. After their breakup, Dong-Hoon looked after the cat. One day, the cat died. Dong-Hoon decides to call Jae-Hee and let her know what happened Gooreumi. They then meet for the first time in a year. To have a funeral for their cat, Dong-Hoon and Jae-Hee go out for a one night and two day trip together.