电影 猛鬼实验室 第1集


巴域·普瑞克潘也 塔纳波·里拉塔纳卡邹帕瑞斯·因塔拉科玛亚苏特娜塔妮查·纳瓦塔纳瓦尼 电影 泰国 2021 查看整部剧情
两位医生朋友格拉和阿威在进行一项关于来世的研究实验,结果他们亲眼看到“鬼魂”,并由此一发不可收拾,决心要为幽灵和来世的存在寻找科学解释。他们的狂热和对未知不计后果的追求如同一个无底洞,将危及他们的友谊和至亲之人。 "Do you believe in the world of the afterlife?" After seeing a real "ghost" together for the first time, Gla and Wee, a doctor duo gets wrapped up in seeking "the afterlife world" and cannot turn their backs on it. Being obsessed with ghosts since childhood, the sighting confirms Gla's beliefs that they are not some infatuated illusion. However, Wee has never believed in anything related to the unknown, only believing in things that are scientifically proven. This occurrence immediately makes him question his beliefs. The two team up for a project called the "Northern Lights Quest" hunting down spirits to be "participants" for their study. They believe that they will be the first people in the world to scientifically prove that "ghosts truly exist"