电影 绿鱼 第1集


李沧东 韩石圭文成根沈惠珍宋康昊郑在咏郑镇荣李文植明桂南吴智慧 电影 韩国 1997 查看整部剧情
刚服完兵役的莫东(韩石圭 饰)坐火车回家的路上认识了美爱(沈惠珍 饰)。不知为何,莫东感觉自己以后的生活都会跟美爱有牵连。回家后的莫东正找工作,他再次遇到了美爱,美爱是在夜总会唱歌的,更是黑帮老大(文成根 饰)的女友。莫东也因为美爱的关系加入了黑社会。 忠心耿耿的莫东对美爱却有一丝丝的好感,而美爱冷酷的外表后面是一颗炽热的心。没想到,他们的组织面临解散,莫东打算付出自己的所有以及心爱的女人,他却得不到应有的回报…… Mak Dong has just been released from the army and is on his way home, when he helps out a woman on the train. A couple of guys are hassling her, and he steps in gets his ass kicked and gets booted off the train. She calls him, because she collected his luggage and they agree to meet. It turns out she is a mobster's girlfriend and she gets him a job with the gang. Meanwhile his real family consists of 3 brothers, one is a wife beating detective, the second is severely handicapped and happy while the third sells eggs. He is still getting his ass kicked on a regular basis but the mob boss Bae Tse-Yong, takes him into the family and allows his to call him "Big Brother". Apparently this is a big thing among Korean mobsters. Now he's got two families and can't seem to handle either of them but one of them is going to be the death of him.