电影 卢浮魅影 第1集


让-保尔·萨罗米 苏菲·玛索米歇尔·塞罗尔弗雷德里克·迪芬塔尔朱莉·克里斯蒂让-弗朗索瓦·巴尔梅 电影 法国 2001 查看整部剧情
美丽的姑娘丽莎(苏菲·玛索 Sophie Marceau 饰)和祖母一同居住在卢浮宫对面的大楼。卢浮宫的修葺工程使老旧的大楼常出问题,丽莎因此结识了善良的电工小伙马丁(弗雷德里克·迪方多 Frédéric Diefenthal 饰)。某次的施工无意中打通了卢浮宫地道与大厦的电梯间,丽莎与马丁因此夜入卢浮宫,走进了科学家们研究古埃及木乃伊的实验室。丽莎与一具木乃伊干尸对望,没想到却使木乃伊中的鬼魂进入了她的身体,从此每到深夜,丽莎便被鬼魂驱使在卢浮宫里游荡,搜寻古埃及的护身符。馆长请来经验丰富的退休警察弗拉克(米歇尔·塞侯 Michel Serrault 饰)负责调查卢浮宫幽灵事件,从英国来的埃及学专家格兰达(朱莉·克里斯蒂 Julie Christie 饰)也帮了大忙。但众人的努力是否真能制服丽莎体内的强大幽灵呢? A collection of artifacts from an archeological dig in Egypt are brought to the famous Louvre museum in Paris, and while experts are using a laser scanning device to determine the age of a sarcophagus, a ghostly spirit escapes and makes its way into the museum's electrical system. Museum curator Faussier (Jean-Francois Balmer) brings in a noted Egyptologist, Glenda Spencer, to examine the findings, and she announces that the mummy inside the coffin was actually the evil spirit Belphegor. Lisa, who lives across the street from the museum, follows her runaway cat into the museum after closing time, where she is accidentally given a shock that sends the stray spirit into her body. Soon, Lisa is disguising herself as Belphegor and making off with the rare Egyptian treasures on display at the museum, convinced that they are rightfully hers. When "Belphegor" proves more than a match for the Louvre's security forces, renowned detective Verlac is brought out of retirement to find out why the museum's Egyptian collection has been shrinking.