电影 黎明时分的年轻人 第1集


松本花奈 北村匠海黑岛结菜井上祐贵高桥瞳滨田麻里佐津川爱美山中崇菅原健乐驱高桥春织三島ゆたか岩本淳境浩一朗永岛圣罗木崎絹子寺田ムロラン田原イサヲわちみなみ新田さちか宮島はるか 电影 日本 2021 查看整部剧情
本作は東京で生きる若者の“人生最大の恋”、そして何者にもなれぬまま大人になっていくことへの葛藤を描く青春譚。 Based on the novel by Masahiko Katsuse, a young man falls in love with a woman he meets at a party, graduates from university and gets a job, but soon experiences the disappoints and compromises that come with adulthood. After his career does not go the way he hoped and his girlfriend leaves him, he decides to try to get her back, but in order to find her, he must face some uncomfortable truths.