电影 来自亚塞诺瓦茨的 第1集


普雷迪拉格·安东尼耶维奇 比利亚娜·切基奇兹拉坦·维多维奇安贾·斯坦尼克LukaSaranovicJakovSaranovicSimonSaranovicMarkoPipic娜塔莎·妮可维奇伊戈尔·多尔德维奇马尔科·扬克蒂奇乌克·科斯蒂奇博扬·齐罗维奇SandraLjubojevicNikolaRaduljRajkoLukacVesnaKljajic-Ristovic尼科莉娜·叶利扎瓦茨泽尔科·埃尔基克艾莉莎·拉达科维奇佩塔尔·泽卡维卡戈兰·约基奇米伦娜·尼科利克Nata 电影 塞尔维亚 2020 查看整部剧情
以二战期间纳粹占领的前南斯拉夫克罗地亚乌斯塔沙政权“NDH”为背景,讲述的是一个名叫达拉的小女孩,她在巴尔干大屠杀期间被送到臭名昭著的灭绝营地Jasenovac,也被称为“巴尔干奥斯威辛集中营”,直到南斯拉夫游击队解放 The film is set in the Nazi-occupied Croatian Ustasha regime "NDH" in former Yugoslavia during WWII. The film is told through the experiences of a little girl named Dara who is sent as a child during the Holocaust in the Balkans to the infamous extermination camp complex Jasenovac, also known as "Balkan's Auschwitz", when it was ruled by sadistic camp commander Maks Luburic until the liberation. The film is the first modern WWII movie that takes place in or shows this NDH era camp.