电影 空前绝后满天飞 第2集


大卫·扎克杰瑞·扎克吉姆·艾布拉姆斯 卡里姆·阿卜杜尔-贾巴尔劳埃德·布里吉斯皮特·格拉维斯朱丽·哈基提罗伯特·海斯莱斯利·尼尔森 电影 美国 1980 查看整部剧情
前飞行员Ted Striker (罗伯特·海斯 Robert Hays 饰)在一场战争中有了心理阴影,对飞行有恐惧。他的女友Elaine Dickinson (朱丽·哈基提 Julie Hagerty饰)却是个空姐。这天,Elaine跟Ted提出了分手,之后便上飞机上班 去了。Ted为了挽回女友的心,也费尽心思上了飞机。然而,飞机上发生了无数令人啼笑皆非的事情。先是乘客们相继发生食物中毒,连机长也不能幸免于难。无奈之下,唯一有驾驶飞机经历的Ted只能和女友一起坐在驾驶舱操纵飞机。他打开了自动驾驶,飞机能够自行运转,但无法正常降落。于是一场惊心动魄的迫降之旅开始了,而Ted是否能重新赢回女友的心呢? 本片各种无厘头桥段让人捧腹大笑,成为好莱坞经典喜剧。 Ex-fighter pilot Ted Striker (Robert Hays) became traumatized after an incident during the war, leading to his fear of flying. Recovering his courage, Striker attempts to regain the love of his life from the war, Elaine (Julie Hagerty), now a stewardess. In order to win her love, Striker overcomes his fear and buys a ticket on a flight she is serving on, from Los Angeles to Chicago. However, during the flight, Elaine rebuffs his attempts. After dinner is served, many of the passengers fall ill, and Dr. Rumack (Leslie Nielsen) quickly realizes that one of the meal options gave the passengers food poisoning. The stewards discover that the pilot crew, including Captain Oveur (Peter Graves) and Roger Murdock (Kareem Abdul-Jabbar), have all come down with food poisoning, leaving no one aboard to fly the plane. Elaine is instructed by the Chicago control tower supervisor Steve McCroskey (Lloyd Bridges) to activate the plane's autopilot a large blow-up doll named "Otto" which will get them to Chicago but will not be able to land the plane. Elaine realizes that Striker is their only chance, and he is convinced to fly the plane, though he still feels his trauma will prevent him from safely landing the plane. McCroskey, after hearing Striker's name on the radio, sends for Striker's former commander, Rex Kramer (Robert Stack) to help talk him down. As the plane nears Chicago, Striker neglects to check the oil temperature which damages one of the engines while a bad thunderstorm reduces visibility, making the landing even more difficult. Thanks to Kramer's endless stream of advice, Striker is able to overcome his fears and safely land the plane with only minor injuries to some passengers. Striker's courage rekindles Elaine's love for him, and the two share a kiss while Otto takes off in the evacuated plane after inflating a female autopilot doll.