电影 恐龙战队:战士永 第1集


CharlieHaskell 约翰尼·扬·博施DavidYost沃尔特·琼斯CatherineSutherlandKaranAshleySteveCardenasCharlieKersh理查德·史蒂文·霍维茨芭芭拉·古德森 电影 美国 2023 查看整部剧情
游骑兵队面临着来自过去的熟悉威胁。在全球危机中,他们再次被召唤成为世界需要的英雄。 The Rangers come face-to-face with a familiar threat from the past. In the midst of a global crisis, they are called on once again to be the heroes the world needs. When Trini, the yellow ranger is killed. The Mighty Morphing Power Rangers are called back into play nearly 30 years later of their successors coming in. Rita Repulsa manages to return as a super powered robot out for revenge using a time warp to ensure they are killed before ever being summoned to become rangers. The rangers must come together one last time to defeat their old nemesis or be erased from existence.