电影 卡丁赛车王 第1集


欧文·特雷弗 弗兰西丝·奥康纳理查德·劳斯伯格丹·威利CoopervanGrootel达米安·德·蒙特马斯亚当·T·帕金斯JackConnellWilliamLodderAnastasiaBampos西蒙·洛克伍德DariusAmarfioJeffersonSoniaBorellaRhysLanderRileyPapaliaGusWorland 电影 澳大利亚 2020 查看整部剧情
杰克的母亲带著全家搬到新的小镇,15 岁的他因此开始接触卡丁赛车,并全心投入这项运动。儘管藏有神秘过往的资深赛车手和新挚友对杰克的支持不遗馀力,他还是得先学习改变自己的莽撞个性,才有获得全国冠军的机会。《卡丁赛车王》将于 2020 年 3 月 13 日在 Netflix 上线。 When Jack (William Lodder) and his single mother (Frances O'Connor) move to a small town in Western Australia, he soon gets involved in the competitive world of go-kart racing. Jack's got natural talent but must learn to control his recklessness. To do that, he'll need the help of aspiring engineer, Mandy (Anastasia Bampos), wise-cracking best mate Colin (Darius Amarfio-Jefferson) and mysterious mentor, Patrick (Richard Roxburgh). Together, the team will endeavour to overcome all odds and defeat ruthless racer Dean (Cooper Van Grootel) to win the National Go Kart Championship.