电影 姐弟2022 第1集


阿诺·戴普勒尚 玛丽昂·歌迪亚梅尔维尔·珀波格什菲·法拉哈尼本杰明·思科索帕特里克·坦西考斯米娜·斯特拉坦MaxBaissettedeMalglaiveSaverioMaligno 电影 法国 2022 查看整部剧情
故事围绕一对年近五十的姐弟展开——爱丽丝是演员,路易斯是教师和诗人。他们不再互相交谈,二十多年来一直在躲避对方,但父母的去世将迫使他们走上歧途。 The story revolves around a brother and sister who are nearing their fifties - Alice is an actress, Louis was a teacher and a poet. They no longer speak to one another and have been avoiding each other for over twenty years, but the death of their parents will force them to cross paths.