电影 过量 第1集


奥利维埃·马夏尔 索菲娅·埃萨伊迪阿萨德·包伯阿尔维托·阿曼尼古拉·卡萨雷NassimLyes布鲁诺·洛普斯穆萨·曼斯莱西蒙·阿布卡瑞安佐伊·马奇尔肯扎·福特斯法朗西斯·瑞纳德 电影 法国 2022 查看整部剧情
Sara, head of the narcotics squad of the Toulouse police, investigates a go-fast between Spain and France, in which her former lover, Raynal, is infiltrated. She quickly discovers that her case is linked to the murder of two teenagers in a Parisian hospital, which Richard, the head of the local criminal police, is in charge of. Forced to work together to find the murderer and stop the go-fast, Sara and Richard find themselves thrust into a breathless race against time on the roads of Spain and France as their attraction for each other grows.