电影 鬼头大兵 第1集


乔纳森·林恩 史蒂夫·马丁丹·艾克罗伊德菲尔·哈特曼格伦妮·海德利达里尔·米切尔马克斯·凯塞拉埃里克·爱德华兹DanFerroJohnMarshallJones布莱恩·雷科内尔约翰·奥提兹帕梅拉·阿德龙米歇尔·维特菲尔德奥斯汀·潘德尔顿克里斯·洛克 电影 美国 1996 查看整部剧情
艾力比高中士,是一个天生的赌徒,虽然他的正职是巴达基地的机动车组主管,但其暗地里在兵营从事赌业。长期以来,两种身分毫无冲突,但有一日,已荣升为少校的仇家霍高连突然来基地举行检阅及核点帐目,而一向帐目不清的比高今次如何化解这场挑战,且看他的赌运如何? This movie is a remake of the hit series which starred, Phil Silvers as Sgt. Bilko. In this movie, Bilko tuns the motor pool and has all sorts of scams going on like gambling, renting out military vehicles, and so on, which are all violations. However, his commanding officer, Colonel Hall overlooks them, cause he is more concerned about his future, cause a lot of bases are being closed, and the inspector, Major Thorn was on the verge of doing that. But when he heard that Bilko was on the base, he turned into a mad dog. It seems that Thorn was a "thorn" in Bilko's side many years ago but through a series of misunderstandings, Thorn was accused of carrying out or being the brains behind one of Bilko's schemes, he would be sent to Greenland and his career has not gone as he hoped it would and now wants revenge on Bilko.