电影 关于我母亲的一切 第1集


佩德罗·阿莫多瓦 塞西莉亚·罗特玛丽萨·帕雷德斯坎德拉·佩尼亚安东尼亚·圣胡安佩内洛普·克鲁兹罗莎·玛丽亚·萨尔达费尔南多·费尔南·戈麦斯托尼·坎托埃罗·阿索林卡洛斯·洛萨诺费尔南多·古林曼努埃尔·莫龙乔斯·路易斯·托里霍胡安·乔斯·奥特圭卡门·巴拉格 电影 西班牙法国 1999 查看整部剧情
玛努埃拉(丝莉亚 洛芙 饰)的丈夫在儿子出生前就离开了妻子,玛努埃拉成为了单身妈妈,带着儿子埃斯特班来到马德里生活。儿子从不知道爸爸的事情,玛努埃拉只好对儿子说父亲已经过世。然而,儿子终究不相信。他在日记本里悄悄写下对父亲的想念。 车祸来得那么突然,儿子被一辆迎面撞来的汽车夺走了生命。母亲悲伤不已,决定去找孩子的父亲洛拉,完成儿子心愿。然而她却得知,洛拉已经换装成女人,当了妓女,而且染上了艾滋病。更不幸的是,修女罗萨(佩内洛普 饰)怀上了洛拉的孩子。玛努埃拉留在罗萨身边照顾她,罗萨诞下的婴儿也取自己儿子埃斯特班的名字,苦难的日子终于有了希望--这个新生儿竟然逃过了艾滋的噩运。 Manuela is a hard-working single mom who has raised her son Esteban by herself since the time he was born. On his 17th birthday they go to the theater and after the show, he tries to get the main actress' autograph but is run down on the street and dies. She quits her job and journeys to Barcelona, where she hopes to find her son's father, Lola, a transvestite she kept secret from her son, just as she never told Lola they had a son. In Barcelona, Manuela reunites with her old friend Agrado, a warm and witty transvestite prostitute. She also meets and becomes deeply involved with several characters: Rosa, a young nun who works in a shelter for battered prostitutes, but is pregnant by Lola and is HIV positive; Huma Rojo, the actress her son had admired; and the drug-addicted Nina Cruz, Huma's co-star and lover. Her life becomes entwined with theirs as she cares for Rosa during her pregnancy and works for Huma as her personal assistant and even acts in the play as an understudy for Nina during one of her drug abuse crises. Together they form a life and become fast friends - until tragedy strikes again.