电影 歌、舞、伎:生田 第1集


相澤雄 生田斗真尾上松也小栗旬中村七之助 电影 日本 2022 查看整部剧情
演员生田斗真为何愿意大胆挑战日本传统艺术“歌舞伎”?这部纪实纪录片跟着生田斗真踏进新歌舞伎的世界,同时细细着墨他和演员尾上松也长达 20 年的友情。   Netflix 纪录片《歌、舞、伎:生田斗真》 将于6月16日星期四全球首播,Netflix独家。 Toma Ikuta and Matsuya Onoe were classmates back in their high school and have been close friends. In their high school days, the two promised that they would stand on the same stage some day. And for the final stage of Onoe's produced kabuki stage series, Ikuta will star as a special guest in his first ever time to perform kabuki.