电影 高铁惊爆点 第1集


JerryP.Jacobs 多里安·哈伍德雷·怀斯罗伊·谢德 电影 美国 1998 查看整部剧情
危机急速近圣安妮联绑监狱重重关上大门它送走了五个重刑犯,他们即将移监搭载“霹雳五号”高铁,其中有三个杀人犯,两个犯下伤害,勒索,绑架前科,最狠的角色,是绰号“杀手”卡尔,曾杀死十五个人。五人中的鲁卡,在十五年的刑期中,只剩九个月,而他一心一意想亲手将杀他老婆的凶手,绳之以法,这列超速火车搭满乘客,没有人知道最后一节车厢,有五个穷凶恶极的犯人,也没有人知道良善的乘客中,隐藏着劫囚犯,然而更惊人的是这部《霹雳号》高铁,它失控了……有谁能制服这些杀人不眨眼的重刑犯?拯救失速的《霹雳号》! When Redwood Federal Penitentiary closes, there are going to be several hundred prisoners looking for a new home. Several of the most dangerous, all killers, will be transported by train to Santa Ana, a new high tech prison for the worst of the worst. Included in this transfer are: -Ian Kelly, explosions expert who has set off terrorist bombings worldwide. -Lorenzo "Enzo" Martini, a mafia kingpin who enjoyed nationwide fame before finally being put away. -Karl "The Killer" Miller, a serial killer with absolutely no conscience and an unquenchable thirst for blood. -Tommy "Zimm" Zimmer, a man who's serving life for killing his wife and her lover. -Luke Sinclair, who's finishing up the last nine months of a fifteen-year sentence for killing the man who murdered his wife. When the prisoners, under heavy security, board the last car of the train, it quickly becomes clear that an escape plan has been hatched...