电影 第八天之夜 第1集


金泰亨 金裕贞李星民朴解浚南多凛 电影 韩国 2021 查看整部剧情
该片是一部悬疑惊悚片,讲述为了迎战从封印中被释放的“那个东西”,人们所展开的殊死搏斗,全世界因被从封印中释放的“那个东西”而陷入了一片混乱,所有人为了生存不得不奋力一搏。片名中所提到的数字“8”也预示着完全、不灭、重生等意义,金裕贞将在片中饰演本身就散发着阴森气息的悬疑角色爱兰。 Many centuries ago, Buddha defeated a demon and ripped out his red and black eyes (symbolizing anxiety and hatred), hiding them in caskets, one Far East and the other Far West. When an archaeologist finds the red eye in the desert, he is considered a charlatan by the media and falls in disgrace. But nine years later, he plots a scheme to reunite the eyes and awake the demon, using a six people who tried to commit suicide to carry the red eye, meet the Virgin Shaman and join to the black one. Now the only hope to save mankind is a former monk and guardian of the black eye that uses prayer beads in one hand and an ax in the other to find the Virgin Shaman and avoid darkness on Earth.