电影 德累斯顿大轰炸 第1集


罗兰德·苏索·里希特 费莉西塔斯·沃尔约翰·莱特本杰明·萨德勒 电影 德国 2006 查看整部剧情
1945年,在二次世界大战的战火肆虐中,安娜和罗勃在德勒斯登相遇。一个是德国医院院长的掌上明珠,在家人以及未婚夫的呵护下成长,有着救助身旁所有人的一颗善良的心。另一个是英国皇家空军的轰炸机机师,在一次任务失败中坠毁德勒斯登。安娜救了他的性命,安娜善良温暖的心也打动了他。就这样慢慢地,两颗心越来越靠近… 在此时,发现了罗勃真实身分的安娜,是要选择罗勃,还是要接受未婚夫的求婚? Like other TV movies of the production company teamWorx, Dresden (2006) focuses on an extraordinary historic event in connection with a tragic love story of a woman between two men. In January 1945, the young nurse Anna Mauth, working at a hospital in Dresden, becomes engaged to senior physician Benjamin Wenninger. At the same time, an English Lancaster bomber is shot down. The pilot Robert Newman, the only survivor, manages to reach the city severely injured and hides in the hospital's cellar. Anna discovers him incidentally thinking he is a German deserter, but finally decides to help Robert...