电影 冰川时代:巴克· 第1集


约翰·C·唐金 西蒙·佩吉乌特卡什·安邦德卡尔文森·童艾伦·哈里斯 电影 美国 2022 查看整部剧情
该片将以黄鼠狼巴克·怀尔德为主角,讲述巴克与负鼠兄弟Crash和Eddie的故事。 Desperate for some distance from their older sister Ellie, the thrill-seeking possum brothers Crash and Eddie set out to find a place of their own, but quickly find themselves trapped in a massive cave underground. They are rescued by the one-eyed, adventure-loving, dinosaur-hunting weasel, Buck Wild, and together they must face the unruly dinosaurs who inhabit the Lost World.