电影 暗夜骑士 第2集


丹尼尔·卡尔帕索罗 卡洛斯·巴登大卫·哈克阿莱克斯·莫尔纳贝戈尼亚·瓦加斯帕特里夏·维柯DavidCruzBarjeSebastianCiontescuAdriánGarínElianaSaenzDollarSelmouniÉdgarVittorino 电影 西班牙 2022 查看整部剧情
为了还清儿子的母亲欠下贩毒集团的债务,这名摩托车骑手不惜断送成为职业车手的机会,冒着生命危险,干起了运送毒品的勾当。 Addicted to strong emotions and speed, Rafa struggles to become a professional motorcycle racer, until he discovers that his son's mother owes a debt to drug traffickers. To keep his family safe, Rafa decides to put his talent as a runner at the service of the criminal organization. A circuit racer by day, reckless kamikaze by night, Rafa is soon forced to make decisions that will change his life forever.