电视剧 消失的二等兵第一 第2集


JoshuaBennett 未知 电视剧 美国 2022 查看整部剧情
  1979年,二等兵勒罗伊·杜兰尼在勒琼营神秘失踪。海军陆战队认定勒罗伊擅离职守,但勒罗伊的母亲卡罗尔凭直觉感觉事有蹊跷。她决心亲自调查儿子的下落,但真相令她不寒而栗。儿子失踪一案牵涉到了毒品、传闻中的撒旦邪教以及连环杀手 In 1979, Private Leroy Dulaney vanishes from his post at Camp Lejeune. The Marine Corps say he went AWOL, but his mother Carol knows in her gut that something is wrong. Determined to find out what happened to her son, she undertakes her own investigation. She could have never imagined what she would uncover: a world of drugs, rumored satanic cults, and a possible serial killer.