电视剧 玩火之风 第4集


VoravudhNiyomsub 肯帕莎·斯莉苏卡化提拉达·迈特瓦拉育泰贡·康恰察猜·本班尼贾里亚·安福纳塔莎·本普拉乔姆塔农萨·苏帕坎坦塔查·塔里宾密里·萨鲁特·纳瓦帕蒂库尔拉塔南特·詹亚季拉翁阿曼达·查丽莎·欧布丹 电视剧 泰国 2024 查看整部剧情
Phraphai is a skilled heart surgeon married to electrical engineer Din. The two have known each other since university and now have a three-year-old daughter named Namnile. Since becoming a wife and mother, Phraphai has little left over for romance. Din is a romantic. He wants time with his wife, but Phraphai isn't able to give it. In a drunken state, he slips up and sleeps with Frame. To Frame, however, it wasn't a mistake. She wants more. She plans ways to make Din break things off with his wife, but Phraphai is clever. She finds out what took place and gives Din an ultimatum, only further igniting Frame's fire. From there, a full-on war of love kicks off.