电视剧 泰版金秘书为何那 第3集


普鲁克萨·阿玛鲁奇 杰迪帕·迪拉朋帕娜琳迪帕·莎功昂格派苏缇帕·空娜迪皮查彤·散顶腾古西瓦科恩·勒尔科乔特黛莉娜·班楚素撒·猜唷罗薇查雅彭·吉拉威宋誊功娜达帕颂·西玛蒂恩 电视剧 泰国 2024 查看整部剧情
The seemingly perfect world of a handsome, narcissistic vice-chairman of a major corporation turns upside down when his highly competent secretary of many years announces her resignation. He will do everything it takes to keep her by his side, and in the process, they start to develop romantic feelings for each other.