电视剧 衰女翻身第二季 第21集


里奇·基恩 凯特琳·奥尔森索菲亚·布莱克-德埃利亚托马斯·巴布萨卡卡拉·吉门内斯苏珊·朴斯科特·麦克阿瑟贾森·克拉维茨布兰娜·布朗汉密尔顿·米切尔JackStantonJadenBetts 电视剧 美国 2017 查看整部剧情
FOX正式宣布续订喜剧 《衰女翻身》第2季。 After the family mansion burnt down, the Pemberton clan enjoyed a luxury hotel, but as their spending rate would quickly consume the family fortune meant to last their lifetime, financial manager Barry moves them to a tacky motel. Jimmy simply stays in the luxury hotel and teaches Chip how to be treated like a guest without paying, even when the knave can't resist inviting school mates. Mick, whom the kids intended to dump, vows to make Barry reverse his decision by blackmail, assuming he has a mistress, but that goes all but by the sketchy plan.