电视剧 神秘敌人 第1集


GabrielRipstein 丹尼尔·希梅内斯·卡乔AntoniodelaVegaFernandoBecerrilEnriqueArrizonJavierDíazDueñasKarinaGidi艾琳·阿苏埃拉EmilioGuerrero 电视剧 墨西哥 2018 查看整部剧情
墨西哥秘密警察, 国家安全局局长——费尔南多·巴里恩托斯(Fernando Barrientos)正一步一步攀上墨西哥的权利顶峰。   在这条充满阻碍的路上,他将不得不费尽心机,即使需要背叛和杀戮,他也已做好充分的准备。 Fernando Barrientos, Head of the National Security Directorate, Mexico's Secret Police, is trying to reach the highest position in the country. On his way, he'll have to manipulate, betray, and kill, and he's well prepared for it. However, his path will be full of obstacles. Nobody, not even his family, will be immune to the chaos left in his quest for total power.