电视剧 末日巡逻队第二季 第5集


克里斯·曼利哈里·杰尔詹 提摩西·道尔顿黛安·格雷罗艾普尔·鲍白阿比盖尔·夏皮罗马特·波莫布兰登·费舍赖利·沙纳汉凯瑟琳·卡兰迈克尔·哈尔尼艾伦·图代克马修·祖克 电视剧 美国 2020 查看整部剧情
London, England\: 1927 At a sideshow exhibit, Dorothy Spinner sits in a cage. A woman comes over and tells Dorothy that she's, and takes her covered age out on stage. The ringmaster announces Dorothy as the cursed progeny of a witch and a mountain beast, possessed of unnatural gifts. In the cage, Dorothy cries to herself, and the attendants pull up the cover to reveal the beast-faced young Dorothy to the audience. The attendants cover over the cage, and the ringmaster says that Dorothy needs the darkness to concentrate and conjure up a "friend" of hers. Dorothy speaks to her "friend", saying they have to do what the ringmaster says. Outside a horned humanoid beast appears and the ringmaster has it twirl on his command for the amusement of the audience. The beast looks at someone in the crowd, and when it pauses the ringmaster whips it. The beast knocks the ringmaster into the cage, and he tells Dorothy to control her animal. As the attendants whip the beast, Dorothy begs for it to stop. The voice of the Candlemaker sounds in her head, telling her to make it stop. She wonders which of her "friends" the Candlemaker is, and he tells her to help him and her "friends" by making a wish. A candle appears in Dorothy's hand and the Candlemaker repeats his demand. She blows out the candle, and flames spread throughout the tent as the audience screams and the beast roars. Dorothy covers her ears so she won't hear the screams, and when the screams stop she opens the cage door and steps out. Corpses litter the floor, and Dorothy goes to the beast hunched in the audience and strokes its fur. She looks up to see Niles Chief sprawled in the back, looking at her. Now Dorothy tells her friends that it's a new sunrise and they shouldn't have wicked words or claws, only fun. She reminds them of their new friends: Robotman, Jane who just lies in her tent staring at a rip in the canvas, Vic Stone, and Rita Farr. They all live in tents made of handkerchiefs and matchsticks in the manor, having been miniaturized after their battle with Mr. Nobody. Dorothy figures that someday they'll all be friends, or a family someday Larry comes into the room with the tabletop where his friends live, and opens the drapes to let the sunlight in. He goes to the kitchen to make miniature pancakes, applying syrup with an eyedropper. Meanwhile, Niles wakes everyone up with a bell and says that Larry is completing his final test on the subject. The others come out, and Robotman points out that the substance hasn't worked before. In the lab, Larry tests the substance on a frog. He burns the pancakes and puts his head down in the table and despair. Niles tells the others that it's important, and the transformation could take several hours as the chemical permeates their bodies. Robotman points out that he doesn't have a body, and doesn't buy Niles' vague explanation that the chemical will interact with any carbon structure. He warns the others that Niles can't restore them to normal size, and when Vic objects Robotman says that Niles is a shitty scientist. As they argue, Larry arrives with pancakes and they sit down to eat. Larry tells Niles that the substance isn't ready, and Dorothy runs out and takes the pancakes. Jane says that one of her selves, Baby Doll, isn't hungry even though the pancakes are her favorite. Niles apologizes to Rita, who suggests that he try something else because science isn't working. She finally says the M word--magic-and admits that she isn't thrilled at calling on Willoughby for help. Niles refuses, saying that Willoughby can't help. Robotman storms out of his tent with a piece of cheese, and Dorothy confronts him. She figures that Robotman is going to feed the rats. Robotman agrees, but refuses to let Dorothy come with him. He takes an elevator down to the floor and puts the cheese in front of the hole in the wall. A rat runs out, and Robotman punches it down the hall. He then adds ta chalk to the tally mark on the wall where he's keeping track of the rats that he's killed. In the Underground, Jane sits with her other selves looking out at the lake. Hammerhead comes over and tells Jane that she can't keep doing it because of what it's doing to them. Jane isn't impressed, and Hammerhead tells her that it's about the girl, Kay. Unimpressed, Jane shoves past Hammerhead and sees a sign hanging from a tree saying "Time for a change". She demands to know who put it up, but none of her other selves say anything. Jane walks off when she doesn't get an answer. In her tent, Jane wakes up. Dorothy is there, and asks if she hurt Jane. Jane is furious that Dorothy barged into her personal space, then apologizes for her outburst. The girl says that it's okay and Jane swears, and Dorothy giggles and then tells her friends to shush. She informs Jane that her friends are Darling and Hershel, and Jane can't see them because they're inside like Jane's selves. Niles comes in and tells Dorothy to go out and chat while he and Jane have a grown-up chat. Once Dorothy leaves, Niles says that he needs the serum that Josh gave Jane. He says that it was originally created for Dorothy, and Jane claims that she used it all and it's gone. Niles clearly doesn't believe her and says that he'll always be there if she needs someone to talk to or scream at. Jane doesn't believe him and tells him that he's not her friend but just a scientist who did fucked-up things to a broken girl. Niles leaves without a word. Larry is assembling miniature furniture in the manor dining room. California, 1961 Sheryl has Larry's son Gary show his father he made. The boy shows his father a model airplane of the X-15 like Larry is flying into space. Larry lectures Gary on how the engine goes in properly, insisting that it matters. When Gary and Sheryl are disappointed, Larry realizes it and tells his son that they'll start over together. Once Gary leaves, Sheryl tells Larry that it was a present and Larry says that now he's going to show his son how to do it the right way. Sheryl says that Gary did do it the right way and storms out. Now Larry wonders why the Being is showing him the scene from his past, and figures that it means they need to take a break. Two figures, Nobody and Ezekiel, are shown trapped in the otherwise blank painting. Vic comes in and says that they should stay where they are, trapped in the painting, and Vic leaves. Rita is performing training exercises when Vic approaches her. She asks where he was and he avoids the question. Rita suggests that she'd be further along in her training if she had a consistent teacher, and she talks about how she wants control of her own limbs after 60 years. Vic asks what her end game is, and Rita says that when they're restored to regular size, she'll become a superhero and do some good. She asks if the idea is ridiculous to him, and asks if it would be stupid if she were. Vic says that he's just managing expectations and tells her that she couldn't actually cut it. Rita briefly loses control of her shape and Vic, seeing it, suggests that she try elongating her arm. Rita tries and succeeds, and Vic tells to her to find a way to do it without being insulted before walking off. Florida, 1984 Katie Steele tells Cliff that the baby is on the way and he deserves better than living in a trailer with his father, who moved out after an argument with his wife. Cliff tells Katie to go inside and lie down, kisses her, and goes over to tell his father RJ who is working on a truck. He offers beer and says that he and Katie think that either RJ or his wife shouldn't come to the wedding because of the bad blood between them. They think it would be best if RJ is the one not to come, and RJ tells him to respect himself and Katie control him. He tells his son that in the end, all a man has is his self-respect. Cliff says that in the end he'll be right there with his wife and baby. RJ wishes him good luck and drives away after telling Cliff that Katie was cheated on him. Now Robotman is working on his car, and Dorothy comes into the garage and asks if it's time to feed the rats. She wants to go with him and Robotman says that he doesn't think it's appropriate and he's not taking her. Dorothy says that she's never ridden in an automobile, and Robotman takes her for a high-speed cruise around the diorama's racetrack. Robotman tells her it won't be an everyday thing, then speeds up. They both yell in triumph, and Robotman has flashbacks to the crash on the racetrack and later when he and Katie hit the tanker. Darling Come Home appears in the backseat and startles Robotman. He brakes to a stop and Dorothy says that Darling is one of her friends, and they only come out when she's sad or happy. When she reaches out to Robotman, he pulls away and says that not one of her weirdo friends and he doesn't have time to play with a little freak. Niles arrives and tells Robotman to stop talking, and Dorothy runs off. Once she leaves, Niles tells Cliff to take his anger out on him, not an innocent child. Robotman points out that Niles locked Dorothy away for 90 years, and Niles angrily says that Robotman has no idea what he and his daughter have been through. Unimpressed, Robotman asks if Niles wants to play "Who had it worse?" When Niles doesn't respond, Robotman walks away and Niles tells him to punch some holes because that will fill the emotional hole in Robotman. Larry plays old movies over the diorama so the others can watch. Robotman comes up, wearing a ratskin coat, and tells Niles that he's fulfilled. Later, Niles go to the model town's garage and uses a song, a guitar with drops of his own blood, and a pink parasol to summon Willoughby. Niles tells him that Dorothy is there but she isn't responsible for their current situation like what she did in London in 1927. He admits that it's his fault and he needs Willoughby's help in fixing the situation. Willoughby figures the others know what Niles did to them, and Niles admits that he's not handling it well. The sorcerer makes Niles beg him for help, then warns that he doesn't have enough power but the painting and Niles' necklace might. Niles refuses to give up the necklace ever and says that he'll find a way. The next day, Vic goes out with Rita and she says that they hear him at night having nightmares. She suggests that they could help each other, and Vic refuses and walks away. Larry goes outside and releases the Being, and it hovers over Larry rather than enjoying its freedom. It touches Larry, giving him a mental scene. The young Larry enters Gary's room and finds his now-elderly son there. Gary says that he was proud of his father, and asks if Larry was ever proud of his family. When his father says that he was, Gary says that he just wanted Larry to be as proud of them as he was of Larry. Gary figures that it doesn't matter anymore because what is done is done, and Larry realizes that he's taken his meds with alcohol. The Being reenters Larry's body, and Larry wonders what is going on. Robotman and Jane sit next to Danny the Brick and Jane smokes a joint that Larry rolled for her using tweezers. When Robotman asks if Jane is still using the serum, Jane tells him to mind his own business. They both gripe about what Niles did to them and how creepy the perpetually 11-year-old Dorothy is. As they talk about what Dorothy's mother must have looked like, Niles rolls up and says that he'd at least like decency if not compassion. He then tells them that Dorothy is missing and leaves. The group search the tents for Dorothy, and Cliff discovers that she took his cheese. He figures Dorothy went to feed the rats, and Niles warns the rats might kill Dorothy or she might do something "creative" to them. The group goes to fight the rats in the rat hole. Vic sees the painting and figures that it's Nobody's trap, and Rita tells him that Nobody is still in the painting. Having flashbacks to when he was injured in the lab accident, Vic insists that it's a trap and clutches at his head. Robotman and Jane enter the rat hole and finds Dorothy watching a mother rat weaning her young. A baby rat has crawled away, and the mother rat eats it. Dorothy breaks into tears and screams, and Robotman carries her out while Jane stares, frozen in shock. When Robotman returns to the racetrack tunnel, Niles shows up and Dorothy runs to him. Something roars from the tunnel, and Niles tells Dorothy to stop. She insists that everything isn't all right, and tells Robotman that it isn't something he can just punch. Something throws a car out of the tunnel, and Niles tells Dorothy that she has to focus on his voice. Meanwhile, the Beast walks out of the tunnel with Darling behind him. Robotman tells them to stop doing whatever they're doing to Dorothy, and Dorothy hears the Candlemaker in her head saying, "Help girl." A giant spider emerges from the tunnel and knocks Robotman away, and Dorothy tells Niles that Candlemaker " is coming. The Candlemaker tells Dorothy to make a wish, and Niles tells her to keep Candlemaker back. He says not to make her lock her away again, and Dorothy falls into Niles' arms, sobbing, as her friends disappear. The others arrive and Robotman recovers, Larry hears a crash from the diorama room and runs upstairs to it. He finds the group, enlarged to normal size,. Later, Willoughby visits Niles and says he's impressed with Niles giving everything up to restore the others to normal size. Niles says that Dorothy needs to be kept away from a situation that might foster "unpleasantness", and the others have suffered enough. He has to make it right in whatever he can, and gives the necklace to Willoughby. Willoughby warns that there are no take-backs on a fool's bargain, and Niles tells him that only a fool would consider himself before the family. Dorothy watches from the shadow. Robotman goes to the rat hole and puts down some cheese for the mother rat to feed her babies. Jane goes outside to practice using her powers, and finally manages to do so when she lets herself get angry. She goes to Vic's room to tell her of her success, and discovers that he's moved out. In her room, Jane finds "Time for a change" carved into a tabletop. She looks at herself in the mirror, says "fuck you", and shoots up with the serum. Larry looks up an obituary online about his son, and discovers that he died in a retirement home. Niles puts Dorothy to bed, and Dorothy asks if he'll always be with her. Niles tells her that he's not going anywhere and tells her to dream well. Once she's alone, Dorothy says goodnight to her friends. Candlemaker says "Father, dying", and Dorothy insists that Niles isn't dying. The entity tells her to make her wish, and Dorothy refuses to do it that day. When Candlemaker asks when, Dorothy only says that they'll see.