电视剧 家庭战争第二季 第19集


AndyCadiff 拉米·马雷克MichaelRapaportAnitaBaroneKayleeDeFerKyleSullivanDeanCollinsToddStashwickJerryMathersKeoneYoungZoeDiStefanoCourtneyJinesDanSachoffJesseAshtonRichardsonDashiellHenryBurtonBreeEliseGinaFricchioneAndyCadiffStephenEn 电视剧 美国 2006 查看整部剧情
新的学期开始了,Dave满心欢喜,本以为孩子们去了学校他就可以如释重负,就此松口气,可他却发现,他和Vick都有事情要处理。Mike谈恋爱了,Dave犯了难,儿子的女友竟然是自己好友的女儿。Hillary和Larry也都开始了新的学习生活。纷争不断,笑料百出,敬请关注,风软金秋开篇喜剧《家庭战争》 An all-too-familiar episode in sit-com plots, as the kids are returning to school. But when Dave and Vicky plan on re-claiming the house as their own during a quick lunch, they catch Hillary skipping and hiding out at home. Larry tries out a new personality, and Mike plans on dumping his girlfriend, which screws up Dave's plans on a friendship with the girlfriend's father.