电视剧 假面同窗会 第3集


内藤瑛亮菊地健雄 沟端淳平泷本美织佐野岳木村了广濑智纪雏形明子永井大渡边裕之吉田志织 电视剧 日本 2019 查看整部剧情
本剧改编自作家雫井脩介所著的同名小说,主人公是住宅设备机器公司的营业员,讲述了他受邀回到老家参加同学会,与同学们一起对过去在高中时期体罚学生的教师进行报复,但后来发现了老师的尸体,使他们陷入互相猜忌之中…… Yosuke Shintani left his hometown right after his high school graduation. He wanted to leave behind memories of his older brother who died in an accident and a teacher who was bad to the students. Now, Yosuke is back in his hometown due to a personnel transfer at his work. He decides to attend a school reunion and meets three friends from his high school days. Yosuke and the three friends kidnap their ex-teacher who punished the students with physical force. They beat him up and leave him there. Yosuke and his three friends thought it was a joke, but the teacher is found dead the next day.