电视剧 好汉两个半第十二 第11集


詹姆斯·维度斯 阿什顿·库彻乔恩·克莱尔康查塔·费雷尔MaleaRichardson安吉拉·林MaxMittelman 电视剧 美国 2014 查看整部剧情
CBS宣布续订《好汉两个半》。 While he and Alan prepare for Halloween, Walden, costumed as zombie Elvis, has a minor cardiac crisis. During home revalidation, he takes stock of his life and decides his fortune is worthless without an heir. Given his disastrous dating history, Walden hopes to adopt, but is told only couples are seriously considered. Alan, who hoped to be adopted as heir, gets a surprising alternative offer.