电视剧 匆匆心动 第8集


박선재 李洗赈千昇豪张义秀 电视剧 韩国 2020 查看整部剧情
《Mr. Heart》是《你的目光所及之处》制作组的后续作,讲述了马拉松希望之星与领跑选手之间心动满满的爱情与友情的电视剧,李洗赈将饰演即便在困境中也不失笑容的的短跑选手尚河,组合THE MAN BLK成员千胜浩将饰演对马拉松以外的一切都毫不在意的希望之星振远,与李洗赈展开合作。 Despite the fact that things just never seem to go his way, Sang Ha always manages to find a reason to smile. A remarkable member of the school track team, he admires Jin Won from afar. Jin Won, on the other hand, is his exact opposite. A record breaking marathon runner in high school, he is well on his way to becoming a marathon superstar. Determined to live up to the expectations of his coaches and colleagues, Jin Won cares about one thing and one thing only: running his next race. When he finds himself struggling to maintain his record-breaking stats, his coach suggests Sang Ha step in to help as a pacemaker. Disappointed in the coach's decision, Jin Won is anything but friendly to his new partner but with time and determination, the two runners come to find they share a similar passion, both on the track and off.