艺术片 午夜巴塞罗那 第0集


伍迪·艾伦 丽贝卡·豪尔斯嘉丽·约翰逊哈维尔·巴登佩内洛普·克鲁兹克里斯·梅西纳派翠西娅·克拉克森胡里奥·佩里兰 艺术片 西班牙美国 2008 查看整部剧情
 故事发生在美丽的巴塞罗那,美国女孩维姬(丽贝卡·豪尔 Rebecca Hall 饰)和克里斯蒂娜(斯嘉丽·约翰逊 Scarlett Johansson 饰)在度假时认识了名声并不太好的艺术家胡安(哈维尔·巴登 Javier Bardem 饰)。性格迥异的两姐妹在第二次遇到胡安后,对于胡安结伴去奥维耶多过周末的的邀请,热情奔放的克里斯蒂娜一下子就爽快答应了,而即将结婚的维姬却感到深深的不安。   奥维耶多发生了让人意想不到的事情,原本应该和胡安一夜春宵的克里斯蒂娜因病躺在床上休息,而理智现实的维姬却和胡安一夜风流。   当三个人再次回到巴塞罗那之后,维姬的未婚夫道格前来陪伴她,维姬的生活似乎归于平静。而当克里斯蒂娜开始了与胡安热恋并同居的生活之时,胡安的前妻玛丽娅(佩内洛普·克鲁兹 Penélope Cruz 饰)突然出现,这三人之间构筑起一种奇特的关系。于是在盛夏的充满浪漫气息的欧洲名城,一段诙谐而又深刻的关于爱的故事拉开了序幕。   在2009年第81届奥斯卡上,佩内洛普·克鲁兹凭借此片获得最佳女配角奖。 Vicky (Rebecca Hall) and Cristina (Scarlet Johansson) visit Barcelona for the summer, staying with Vicky's relative Judy (Patricia Clarkson) and her husband Mark (Kevin Dunn). A Narrator (voice of Christopher Evan Welch), present throughout the film, describes the two friends: Vicky is practical and mainstream in her approach to love and commitment, and is engaged to the reliable yet even-more-mainstream Doug (Chris Messina). She is in Barcelona doing research for her masters in Catalan Identity, a project spawned by her love of the works of Gaudí and Miro, and is emotionally moved by Spanish guitar. Cristina, on the other hand, is spontaneous and unsure of what she wants in life. She is just out of a relationship and wants to get over the bad time she had making a 12-minute film about love. At an art exhibition, they notice artist Juan Antonio (Javier Bardem). Cristina is impressed with him at first sight, and grows intrigued when Judy and Mark tell the girls that he had a violent relationship with his ex-wife, María Elena (Penélope Cruz). Later that night, the pair notice him across the room at a restaurant. He and Cristina exchange glances, and he approaches their table, asks Cristina her eye color, and abruptly invites them to accompany him to Oviedo, where they will sight-see, drink wine and, hopefully, make love. While Cristina accepts at once, Vicky is skeptical and refuses. She is eventually convinced, and the pair accompany Juan Antonio to Oviedo in his friend's private plane during a storm. In Oviedo, after some sight-seeing and a good deal of wine, Juan Antonio invites both women to his bedroom. While Vicky refuses to sleep with him, Cristina agrees, but suddenly falls ill with an ulcer and food poisoning. For the remainder of the weekend, Vicky and Juan Antonio are compelled to sight-see alone. During their jaunts, he tells her about his ex-wife and their passionate yet violent relationship. After more wine over dinner and a guitar concert in a park, Vicky succumbs to Juan's charms and the two make love. The next day, Juan takes them back to Barcelona. Feeling guilty, Vicky does not confess the incident to Cristina, and the two begin to grow apart, Vicky throwing herself into her research and Cristina experimenting with photography and poetry. Juan Antonio calls Cristina back, and they begin to date. Doug suddenly suggests to Vicky that they get married in Spain in a civil ceremony, assuring her that their blowout wedding will still take place as scheculed in the States. She agrees, with some misgivings, and he flies to Barcelona from New York. Cristina and Juan Antonio grow closer and Cristina moves in with him. One night, Juan Antonio receives a call that María Elena has attempted to kill herself. Since she has nowhere else to go, he brings her home, and she moves into the guest room. Though initially María Elena distrusts Cristina, she soon develops a liking for her and encourages her photography, which improves as a result. Cristina soon realizes that the ex-spouses are still in love, and María Elena confides that their relationship was always loving yet unstable because they were missing something, a mystery element neither of them figured out. María Elena now suggests that the missing link is in fact Cristina, and the three indulge in a consensual sexual triangle, as Cristina begins making love to María Elena as well. Cristina discloses the events of her life to Vicky, who appears secretly jealous of her friend's freedom, and to Doug, who disapproves. As the summer winds to a close, Vicky realizes that she is unsatisfied in her married life, and is still attracted to Juan Antonio. She spies Judy cheating on myopic Mark, yet understands why Judy can't leave her husband, and confides in the older woman. Judy, who sees Vicky as a younger version of herself, and in a vicariously motivated move, takes it upon herself to "make Vicky and Juan Antonio happen". Meanwhile, Cristina realizes that she can't live in a threesome for the long term, and announces that she's leaving Juan Antonio and María Elena. Maria Elena does not take the news well and breaks down. Needing out, Cristina goes to France to spend the last week of her summer. With their "missing link" gone, Juan Antonio and María Elena break up once again. In a final attempt to pair up Juan Antonio and Vicky, Judy arranges for their "chance" meeting at a party. Juan Antonio begs Vicky to to meet him the next day, her last day in Spain. After lying to Doug and against her better judgement, Vicky goes to Juan's home for lunch, after which Juan tries to seduce her again. She is about to succumb when María Elena enters with a gun and begins firing wildly. As Juan Antonio takes the gun away from the hysterical Maria, it accidentally fires, shooting Vicky in the wrist. Vicky screams at them both, calling them insane, and insisting that she could never live like this, leaves. When Cristina returns from France, Vicky confesses the entire story to her, while Doug is never told the true version of events. As the three return to the US, Vicky goes back to her mainstream life and Cristina remains where she began, not knowing what she wants, but knowing what she doesn't want. As Vicky chooses to live her planned, perceived ideal life and Cristina chooses to live with no plans for life, they end where they began.