艺术片 洛杉矶女人 第2集


阿尔贝托·拉图瓦达 安东尼·弗兰西欧萨维尔娜·丽丝雷纳托·萨尔瓦托雷 艺术片 意大利 1980 查看整部剧情
Clio 扮演爱喜欢男人的女孩的乐趣。她离开她的家乡,并会见威尔玛,曾是著名的歌唱家。威尔玛弹了出来,在当地合资后它们挂接在一起,并成为妓女。输入托尼爱上了威尔玛和打开煤气,餐饮,住宿建立在他们结婚后。托尼慢慢烦透了威尔玛,特别是在她漂亮的女儿到达之后。色情但悲惨的电影。    Clio plays a fun loving girl who likes men. She leaves her home town and meets up with Wilma, a once famous singer. After Wilma bombs out at a local joint they hook up together and become prostitutes. Enter Tony who falls for Wilma and opens a gas/food/lodging establishment after they marry. Tony slowly gets fed up with Wilma, especially after her beautiful daughter arrives. An erotic yet tragic film.