电影 归乡 第1集


李延宇 宋清晨罗美兰李凡秀 电影 韩国 2022 查看整部剧情
讲述了一个想要离开故乡开始新生活而苦苦挣扎的男人在故乡与老朋友重逢,结果卷入始料未及的事件的喜剧片。 Gi-se(SONG Sae-byeok) is a failed comedian and estranged son of a mob boss who left his hometown for the city. 15 years later, he hears the news about his father's passing, which is followed by the cancellation of his unpopular comedy show. Gi-se returns to his hometown, where he meets his old friends and first love Young-shim(LA Mi-ran). He tries to find his place to belong and dreams of a new life. But soon, things change radically and he finds himself inheriting his father's position as a local crime boss and learns the truth about his father's death.