电影 珍珠港 第0集


迈克尔·贝 本·阿弗莱克乔什·哈奈特凯特·贝金赛尔威廉姆·李·斯科特GregZola艾文·布莱纳亚历克·鲍德温杰米·金凯瑟琳·凯尔纳詹妮弗·加纳强·沃特小库珀·古丁迈克尔·珊农马修·戴维斯岩松信约翰·藤冈田川洋行科鲁姆·费奥瑞丹·艾克罗伊德雷利·麦克伦顿杰西·詹姆斯威廉·菲克纳史蒂夫·兰金布莱恩·黑利大卫·霍恩斯比斯科特·威尔森格拉汉姆·贝克尔兰迪·奥格斯比斯坦·卡希尔汤姆·埃沃雷特托马斯·阿拉纳贝丝·格兰特萨拉·茹姜成镐拉法埃尔·沙巴拉格马蒂· 电影 美国 2001 查看整部剧情
雷夫(本•阿弗莱特)和丹尼(乔什•哈奈特)是一对自小玩在一起的好兄弟,两人对飞行都有很大兴趣,曾一起学习过驾驶飞机,二战初期,两人又一起加入了美国空军部队。受训期间,雷夫与军中医院里的女护士伊弗琳(凯特•贝金赛尔)坠入爱河。 为协助欧洲各国抵抗纳粹德国的侵略,美军决定派出精英部队前往欧洲大陆,雷夫自告奋勇前往参战,并将伊弗琳托付给丹尼照顾,不久,噩耗传来,雷夫的飞机在空战中不幸被德军击落,生还可能几乎为零。伊弗琳与丹尼在相互勉励的伤痛中,萌生爱情。令他们没想到的是,雷夫并没死去,当三人重聚首时,尴尬顿生。日军偷袭珍珠港一事帮他们解了围,雷夫与丹尼决定不做情敌做战友。 In 1923 Tennessee, two young boys, Rafe McCawley (Jesse James) and Danny Walker (Reiley McClendon), play together in the back of an old biplane, pretending to be soldiers fighting the Germans in World War I. After Rafe's father lands his biplane and leaves, Rafe and Danny climb into the plane and Rafe accidentally starts it, giving the boys their first experience at flight. Soon afterward, Danny's father (William Fichtner) comes to take him home. He calls Rafe a "stupid boy" and beats Danny. In an effort to protect Danny, Rafe hits Danny's father with an old propeller and calls him a "dirty German". Danny's father reacts by saying he fought the Germans in the trenches in France during World War I, and that he prays that no one will ever have to see the things he saw. Eighteen years later, in January 1941, Danny (Josh Hartnett) and Rafe (Ben Affleck) are both first lieutenants under the command of Major Jimmy Doolittle (Alec Baldwin). Doolittle informs Rafe that he has been accepted into the Eagle Squadron (a RAF outfit for American pilots during the Battle of Britain). Rafe immediately accepts the position. Rafe lies to Danny, though, saying that he was assigned by Doolittle and had no say in the matter. While on a train ride to New York, a nurse named Evelyn (Kate Beckinsale) tells her fellow nurses Sandra (Jennifer Garner), Betty (Jaime King), Martha (Sara Rue), and Barbara (Catherine Kellner) the story of how she met Rafe four weeks earlier after he passed his medical exam despite his dyslexia. That night, Rafe and Evelyn enjoy an evening of dancing at a nightclub and later a jaunt in New York harbor in a borrowed police boat. Rafe shocks Evelyn by saying that he has joined the Eagle Squadron and is leaving the next day. He asks her not to see him off, but is pleased to see that she comes anyway as he leaves the following morning. In the meantime, Danny, Evelyn and their fellow pilots and nurses are transferred to Pearl Harbor, where there is little action; meanwhile, Rafe flies in numerous dogfights with the RAF against the Luftwaffe. During one battle, Rafe is shot down over the English Channel and presumed to be killed in action. Danny gives Evelyn the news and she is devastated. It is then that Danny learns from Evelyn that Rafe volunteered for the assignment. Three months later, Evelyn and Danny realize they are developing feelings for each other. Danny takes Evelyn for a sunset flight over the harbor and begins a relationship with her. On the night of December 6, Evelyn is shocked to discover Rafe, alive and well, standing outside her door. He explains that he survived his aircraft crash and was rescued by a French fishing boat, and has been stuck in occupied France ever since. Danny comes soon afterward holding a telegram from Western Union stating that Rafe is in fact alive. Rafe realizes that Danny and Evelyn are now together and leaves feeling betrayed. He goes to the Hula bar where he is welcomed back by his overjoyed fellow pilots. Danny finds Rafe in the bar with the intention of making things right but a drunken Rafe will have none of it. The two get into a fight. When the police arrive, Danny and Rafe drive away and, after talking, eventually fall asleep in their car. Early the next morning, on December 7, 1941, the Japanese navy begins its attack on Pearl Harbor. The two pilots drive away in search of a still standing airfield, while Evelyn and the other nurses rush for the hospital. The nurses struggle to give emergency treatment to hundreds of injured, some of whom must be turned away because they cannot be saved. Rafe and Danny manage to get in the air in two P-40s, shooting down seven Japanese Zeros. The next day, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (Jon Voight) delivers his Day of Infamy Speech to the nation and asks the US Congress to declare a state of war with the Empire of Japan.