电影 正当防卫 第2集


艾恩·格里姆彻 肖恩·康纳利劳伦斯·菲什伯恩凯特·卡普肖布莱尔·安德伍德 电影 美国 1995 查看整部剧情
不打官司好多年的哈佛大学法律系知名教授Paul Armstrong(Sean Connery)这日收到一封鸣冤信:佛罗里达州一名女孩被人绑架谋杀,警方将黑人大学生Bobby(Blair Underwood)视作凶手,并在缉拿后严刑逼供令其签字画押,前途光明的年轻人只因是黑人变作死囚。 Paul被信件打动,决定重出江湖为Bobby辩护。一番缜密调查,Paul找到足以还Bobby清白之躯的证据,但他没有想到,一切均系Bobby的精心策划,自己及家人才是他的真正目标。 The year is 1986. In Ochopee, Florida, eleven-year-old Joanie Shriver (Barbara Jean Kane) is kidnapped, raped, and murdered. Bobby Earl Ferguson (Blair Underwood) is arrested by officers Tanny Brown (Laurence Fishburne) and J. T. Wilcox (Christopher Murray), who proceed to beat Bobby into confessing to the murder. Bobby is placed on trial, where Bobby's defense attorney McNair (Ned Beatty) puts up a lousy defense for Bobby, and Bobby is sentenced to be executed. Now, eight years later, Bobby hands a letter to his grandmother Evangeline (Ruby Dee) and asks Evangeline to go to Cambridge, Massachusetts, to hire Harvard law professor Paul Armstrong (Sir Sean Connery) to clear Bobby's name. At Harvard, Paul is attacking capital punishment in a campus debate, when Evangeline arrives and hands the letter to Paul. Paul goes home, where his wife Laurie (Kate Capshaw) is throwing a birthday party for their young daughter Katie (Scarlett Johansson). Laurie reads the letter and she encourages Paul to take the case, even though he hasn't practiced law in twenty-five years. Paul, Laurie, and Katie head to Florida, where Paul meets Bobby in the prison. Bobby tells Paul his side of the story and what Tanny and Wilcox did. Paul begins to believe that Bobby was railroaded. Bobby tells Paul to speak to Blair Sullivan (Ed Harris), a man who is also on death row. Blair gives Paul some clues that could prove Bobby's innocence, and Blair's own guilt. But in the process of trying to clear Bobby, Paul learns some disturbing truths about Bobby, putting Paul and his family in a fight for their lives.