电影 战地情人 第3集


约翰·马登 尼古拉斯·凯奇佩内洛普·克鲁兹约翰·赫特克里斯蒂安·贝尔大卫·莫瑞瑟 电影 英国法国美国 2001 查看整部剧情
希腊小岛塞佛伦尼亚岛,纯美恬静,仿若世外桃源。岛民世代居住生活在这里,与世无争。然而二战烽烟很快打破了这份宁静祥和。意大利军团上尉安东尼奥·柯莱利(尼古拉斯·凯奇饰)带领士兵驻扎进小岛,双方都保持着敌对的距离。跟随柯莱利的唯有一把排遣孤寂的曼陀林琴。一次偶然的机会,柯莱利邂逅当地姑娘佩拉吉娅(佩内洛普·克鲁兹饰)。两人在最初的相处中格格不入,但佩拉吉娅优雅的举止与坚韧的性格很快打动了柯莱利的心,柯莱利天籁般的琴声也令佩拉吉娅神往不已。然而美好的时光总是如此短暂,随着战事的日益临近,坠入爱河的两人不得不做出最后的抉择。 这部发生在二战硝烟战火中感人至深的爱情故事《战地情人》,改编自英国著名作家路易斯·德·伯尔涅斯的畅销小说《柯莱利上尉的曼陀林》。女主角佩内洛普·克鲁兹凭借此片荣获2001年第14届欧洲电影奖“观众-最佳女演员”提名。 The idyllic beauty of Greece's Mediterranean coast has been invaded by Italy, bringing legions of soldiers to the once tranquil island of Cephallonia. Captain Antonio Corelli, an officer with an irrepressibly jovial personality and passion for the mandolin, initially alienates a number of the villagers, including Pelagia. The daughter of the village doctor, Pelagia is an educated and strong-willed woman, and while at first offended by the Italian soldier's behavior, she slowly warms to his certain charms as they are forced to share her father's home. When Pelagia's fiancé , a local fisherman, heads off to war, the friendship between Antonio and Pelagia grows even stronger. Her beauty and intelligence have captured his heart, and his fondness for the village's vibrant community causes him to question his reasons for fighting. Antonio becomes a part of the lives of the villagers, but the moment is fleeting. As the war grows ever closer, Antonio and Pelagia are forced to choose between their allegiance to their countries and the love they feel for one another-a love which must overcome tremendous odds, and endure the inevitable sacrifice which accompanies eternal devotion.