电影 再见初恋 第0集


米娅·汉森-洛夫 萝拉·克雷顿塞巴斯蒂安·乌泽多夫斯基瓦莱丽·博莱同瑟奇·伦科欧扎·费什特 电影 法国 2011 查看整部剧情
卡米儿(罗拉•塞利顿Lola Créton 饰)十五岁那年遇上了苏利文,初恋的滋味让这个尚在懵懂的女孩品尝到爱情青涩的味道。然而苏利文从大学退学,为了追求独立的生活,在夏天即将结束的时候离开了这个城市,开始了独自一人的旅程。刚开始的几个月他还断断续续的给卡米儿来信,讲述着自己旅途中的事情,但几个月后,当卡米儿每每检查信箱时,却再没了苏利文的音讯。就这样一段全心投入却又无疾而终的初恋让卡米儿心灰意冷,甚至想要自杀来寻求解脱。在家人的帮助下,卡米儿渐渐从这段爱情带给自己的伤痛走了出来,并且发奋学习终在四年后成为了一名出色的建筑师。工作的原因让她认识了现在的男友洛朗,然而这段稳定的爱情却在卡米儿偶遇苏利文后起了一丝波澜… Spring of 1999: 15-year-old Camille and 19-year-old Sullivan are mad about each other. Sullivan, however, wants to go to South America for a year and this drives Camille to despair. He leaves in the fall and after a while he stops writing to her. After a suicide attempt, she ends up in the hospital. After four years she works, studies architecture and lives alone. She meets a famous architect, Lorenz, who restores her self-confidence. In 2007, Camille and Lorenz have a strong relationship. She is his assistant but she feels strong enough to set up an agency soon. She develops into a more fully formed woman, with new interests. After 7 years she sees Sullivan again. After their first meeting everything seems to go well, but a few months later the old feelings come back and her heart is torn again.