电影 遗失在火中的记忆 第0集


苏珊娜·比尔 哈莉·贝瑞本尼西奥·德尔·托罗大卫·杜楚尼阿丽克西斯·卢埃林米卡·贝瑞 电影 美国 2007 查看整部剧情
Audrey(哈莉·贝瑞 Halle Berry 饰)和丈夫Brian(大卫·杜楚尼 David Duchovny 饰)结婚11年,共同孕育了一对儿女,日子过的幸福平静。某天,Brian因为介入陌生家庭的纠纷而丧生,Audrey原本温顺的生活突然张开血盆大口,风云突变。 为了填补空白,Audrey邀请丈夫死党Jerry Sunborne(本尼西奥·德尔·托罗 Benicio Del Toro 饰)搬进了自己家车库旁边的房间,希望他可以帮助自己和孩子们度过难关,为此,穷困潦倒的瘾君子Jerry,不得不努力和毒瘾做斗争,帮助Audrey的同时,重建自己的生活。 渐渐地,Audrey接纳Jerry成为家庭成员,两个孩子也把他当成自己的“新爸爸”,Jerry成功远离毒品,有了新的工作,二人的生活开始活色生香。但是,两个人的摩擦也慢慢开始,原来寂寞并不能成为爱情的理由。 往事在火中是如烟消散还是涅槃重生?两个伤痕累累的人相拥,是更加寂寞还是互相温暖?影片试图找到答案。 Audrey Burke (Halle Berry) and her warm and loving husband Brian (David Duchovny) have been happily married 11 years; they have a 10-year-old daughter named Harper (Alexis Llewellyn) and a 6-year-old son named Dory (Micah Berry). Jerry Sunborne (Benicio del Toro) is a heroin addict who has been Brians close friend since childhood. Audrey gets tragic news delivered to her door by the local police: Brian has been killed in an attempt to defend a woman who was being beaten by her husband. On the day of the funeral Audrey realises that she has forgotten to inform Jerry of Brian's death. Her brother Neal (Omar Benson Miller) delivers the message to Jerry and takes him to the funeral. Audrey invites Jerry to move into the room adjacent to their garage, which he does. During his stay at the Burke home Jerry struggles to remain drug-free and also becomes very fond of Harper and Dory. The relationship between Jerry and Audrey is fragile and complicated. Jerry helps Audrey cope in many ways, including lying with her in bed to help her sleep. But Audrey, upset and confused, takes out her grief at Brian's death on Jerry. She becomes angry when Jerry helps Dory overcome his fear of submerging his head in the pool, as this had been something Brian had tried to do for years. Eventually her rudeness to him causes Jerry to move out and relapse with heroin. Audrey and Neal rescue and rehabilitate him and he agrees to admit himself to a specialized clinic. At first Harper, who has come to love Jerry, is angry that he is leaving, but after he leaves her a heartfelt note she forgives him. At the close of the film Jerry is still struggling with his addiction but seems to be well on his way to recovery. He leaves flowers on Audrey's doorstep with a note that reads, "Accept the good."