电影 英勇废柴 第2集


塞巴斯帝安·波连斯坦 里卡多·达林路易斯·布兰多尼奇诺·达林维罗妮卡·利纳斯丽塔·科尔泰塞安德烈斯·帕拉DanielAráozCarlosBellosoMarcoAntonioCaponiFedericoBerónLucianoCazauxAlejandroGigenaGuillermoJacubowiczJoséMaríaMarcosAilínZaninovich 电影 阿根廷西班牙 2019 查看整部剧情
根据Eduardo Sacheri的书《英雄失败者之夜》(Alfaguara小说奖,2016年)。在布宜诺斯艾利斯省一个遥远的小镇上,许多事情即将消亡。在导致2001年银行遭受严重冻结的经济危机期间,一伙人决定筹集必要的资金,收购一处农工业地产上的一些废弃筒仓。但即使在他们能够实施这个项目之前,一个骗局就让他们触底,在不公正的情况下做出反应。现在是抢劫小偷。这部小说讲述了一个当之无愧的集体复仇的故事,在一个永远不会被遗忘的传奇之夜。 Based on the book from Eduardo Sacheri "The Night of the Heroic Losers" (Alfaguara Novel Prize 2016). In a far-flung town in the province of Buenos Aires, many things are about to die out. During the economic crisis that led to the traumatic bank freeze of 2001, a group of men decides to gather the amount of money necessary to acquire some abandoned silos on an agro-industrial property. But even before they can carry out the project, a scam makes them hit rock bottom and react in the face of injustice. Now it's about robbing the thief. This novel narrates the story of a well-deserved collective revenge carried out during a legendary night that will never be forgotten.